He says his agency is asking the government to give people in the camps freedom of movement. 他说,难民署要求政府给予难民们行动自由,能自由出入难民营。
Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Israel understands the importance of freedom of movement. 以色列的发言人雷格夫说,以色列了解行动自由的重要性。
Security concerns are also limiting freedom of movement and open campaigning. 关于安全的顾虑限制了行动的自由和竞选活动的公开。
As a result of that freedom of movement, the default XAMPP installation is extremely insecure. 作为自由的结果,缺省的XAMPP安装是非常不安全的。
Though they now have freedom of movement within the EU, the Government has restricted Romanians from working here unless they have a permit or are self-employed. 尽管他们现在可以在欧盟范围内自由来回,但爱尔兰政府限制他们来这里工作,除非他们有许可证或自己找活干。
Citing security concerns and the wish to control the border with Jordan, Israel has imposed stringent restrictions on the freedom of movement for Palestinians in the West Bank. 以色列对西岸巴勒斯坦人的自由活动实施了严格的约束,称是为了安全考虑并希望与约旦共管边界。
Article 31 Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of movement within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and freedom of emigration to other countries and regions. 第三十一条香港居民有在香港特别行政区境内迁徙的自由,有移居其他国家和地区的自由。
Restore freedom of movement in the Palestinian areas so that innocents can resume work and normal life. 恢复巴勒斯坦地区的行动自由,使普通人能够恢复工作和正常生活。
The freedom of movement in China is mainly guarantied by civil law as a kind of personal liberty. 对迁徙自由权实现的民法救济主要是通过对人身自由权的民法救济予以实现的。
The Necessity and Feasibility to Restore the Citizens 'Rights to Freedom of Movement 恢复公民迁徙自由权的必要性及可行性
It created freedom of movement and of vocational choice. 它创立了迁徙自由和选择职业的自由。
The problem is – how to control Beijing's population while respecting the right to freedom of movement? 如何在尊重公民迁徙权利的前提下控制北京市人口规模,是亟待解决的一个难题。
Police road blocks were seen as an attempt to restrict freedom of movement. 警察设置的路障被看作是试图限制自由通行。
Earth's ball in any country between freedom of movement and freedom of movement, without any examination and approval. 地球球民可在任何国之间自由通行和自由迁徙,不需任何审核批准。
The government has restricted freedom of movement into and out of the country. 政府已限制了出入境的行动自由。
This principle is beneficence and may also be used to justify restricting Ms Martin's freedom of movement. 这就是有利原则,也可以用来说明限制马丁女士活动自由的正当性。
Men must have a certain freedom of movement. 人们必须有一定的行动自由。
For me also, most importantly, I think that real relationships are based on trust, it will allow freedom of movement of each. 对我来说也是最重要的是,我认为,真正的关系是在信任的基础上,它将允许自由的每个动作。
It also allows for curfews and restrictions on freedom of movement in situations deemed harmful to national security. 在可能危及国家安全的条件下,允许宵禁和限制人民自由移动。
The Transportation Security Administration protects the Nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. 美国运输安全管理局保护国家的运输系统,以确保为市民和商业活动的自由。
The tape itself is actually slowing me down quite a lot, I don't have the some freedom of movement I'm used to. 实际上减慢我的训练相当多,我没有了我所有的被用于一些行动自由权。
Like nothing else, it stands for controlled freedom of movement and the greatest handling comfort. 原因无他,福莱希始终以“在最舒适的手感范围内控制狗狗自由活动的空间”为准则。
I know I can not take anything for granted, especially my freedom of movement, something she only enjoyed for a brief part of her life. 对于任何事,我知道我都不能把它看作理所当然,特别是对于我行走的自由&对于姨妈而言,那是只在生命中一段很短暂的时光中才享有的。
Joint Declaration with respect to Freedom of Movement 关于迁徙自由的联合宣言
I hate wearing clothes that limit my freedom of movement. 我讨厌穿那些限制我活动自由的衣服。
The majority of Chinese people travelling to Europe apply for a Schengen visa, which enables entry to 24 European countries that have signed the freedom of movement agreement. 到欧洲旅游的多数中国人会申请“申根签证”(schengenvisa),这种签证让游客能够入境24个签署了自由流动协定的欧洲国家。
Finally, the article discusses the third part of the household registration system, restrictions on freedom of movement, and in the fourth part of the proposed solution: a step by step to reform. 其次,文章在第三部分论述了户籍制度对迁徙自由权的限制,并在第四部分提出了解决的方案:有步骤、分阶段地进行改革。
Our main objective is to create a common economic space and guarantee freedom of movement for our people, as advocated by our business, cultural and scientific communities. 我们的主要目标是创建一个共同的经济空间,并保证我们人民的活动自由,正如我们的商界、文化界和科学界所倡导的那样。
Real change on freedom of movement can only be enacted at a global level, however. 然而,迁徙自由的真正变化只能在全球层面上实现。
Coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions. 连接两个转轴可以在任何方向自由移动的耦合。